A Little About Us

MGA is located on federal property and benefits from the maximum level of 24/7 security. We maintain the highest safety standards to earn excellent ratings on all federal inspections. MGA uses The Creative CurriculumTM blended with the Reggio approach to keep the environment calm with a home-like feel. We try to stay away from plastic toys and instead incorporate more household items, such as using child- sized tools and real pots and pans for outdoor play to create music or “cook” for our center. Our vision is to promote Social-Emotional skills first to help children solve problems so they can focus on the learning.

Welcoming Environment

Our center enhances children’s interest in learning while providing an environment free from over-stimulation. Our classrooms are set up with a neutral palette and nature-based design. Soft, instrumental music is played throughout the day to set the tone for a tranquil experience, fostering a relaxing learning environment which allows children to express their creativeness. MGA’s goal is to create a safe environment where children can explore confidently while they learn. We provide many rich language experiences throughout the day by describing what is happening, asking questions, singing and reading.

An example of our daily schedule:

Healthy snacks & lunches are provided for students 12 months and older from our on-site kitchen.

6:00 – 7:00        Arrivals & Learning Centers

7:00 – 7:30         Snack Time

7:30 – 8:00         Learning through Play

8:00 – 9:00         Outside Time & Activities

9:00 – 9:30         Morning Snack

9:30 – 9:45         Gathering Time & Music and Movement

9:45 – 10:30      Scheduled Activities

10:30 – 11:15    Outside Time & Activities

11:15 – 12:00    Lunch Time

12:00 – 2:30       Nap / Rest Time

2:30 – 3:00         Transition to Snack

3:00 – 3:30         Afternoon Snack

3:30 – 4:30         Outside Time & Activities

4:30 – 6:00         Inside Learning Centers

Child – Teacher Collaboration

MGA’s goal is to develop positive relationships with each child. Our approach is based on the interests and natural curiosities which emerge from both children and teachers. We believe learning is a natural process occurring through self-directed experiences that are optimized through a supportive and positive environment. Teachers facilitate learning by mindfully setting up learning centers with materials and activities where children can investigate and make discoveries while expressing themselves through art, play, and social interactions. We encourage children to observe, take things apart, build and see what they can find out. The more active children are in their work, the more they learn and remember. As children play, we watch how they use materials. We listen. We talk with them to find out what they are thinking and trying to do. We observe what they do and take note. Through those notes, we plan activities that interest them while building skills within all four categories.


As a center, our emphasis is on community and working together to help learning continue. The importance of working together also extends between school and home. Teachers, staff and parents must communicate and share ideas, so the child’s interests are best met. By pairing teacher and parent as partners, we can help your child acquire the skills, attitudes, and habits to do well in school and in life.


The role of the teacher

The Teacher is crucial to your child’s learning. Your child’s teacher is the person who cares for your child daily, plans activities to promote your child’s individual skills and helps bridge the gap between what they can do alone and with assistance. As teachers, we:

  • Build a trusting relationship with each child
  • Provide responsive, individualized care
  • Create environments that support and encourage exploration
  • Ensure children’s safety and health
  • Develop partnerships with families
  • Observe and document children’s development to plan for each child and the group
  • Recognize the importance of social/emotional development
  • Appreciate cultural, family and individual differences
  • Take advantage of every opportunity to build a foundation for lifelong learning
  • Support dual-language learners
  • Include children with disabilities in all aspects of the program